Utah Sojourn

My life and experiences while I work towards my MS in Utah.

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Location: Gitting, Manyara, Tanzania

Just finished my MS in Watershed Science at Utah State University. Am now embarking on an adventure in Tanzania through the Peace Corps. After 2 months of training, I have just started teaching secondary Chemistry and Physics, which will be for 2 years.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


We drove out of Logan Canyon to arrive in Logan (city) about 19:00 (7pm) MDT this evening. I'm glad that I took the scenic route as driving through the moutains was beautiful as was Bear Lake. Logan Canyon made me think of Bierstadt's paintings. Although he painted quite a bit in Yosemite, the rock features were similar and the light just right to capture the same feeling that his paintings give...Thomas Cole is also similar. When I came out during spring break to visit the campus, I joined the Outdoor Recreation Center sponsored full moon hike. Both during the day and the night, the mountains are gorgeous. I need to get a tripod so that I try capturing the landscape bathed in moonlight as it is unforgettable. For now, I'll have to get back out there to try to capture daylight/sunset shots. Hopefully I'll succeed.

The canyon is for more than just looking at. There are hiking trails, biking trails, and places to cross country ski. Which is great because I have hiking boots, a mountain bike, and my X-C skis. :-)

So we're staying at the Motel 8 and I'll try calling tomorrow to see if they will let me move in a day early. Otherwise we'll have to drive around with the car stuffed full still as we peruse the local stores for items that I need to purchase. I made to Utah without any big fights with mom and only have to last a few more days...


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