ThanksgivingMy favorite holiday. Last year I was in Germany and made dinner with some friends for some Americans and non-Americans alike. This year, I'm close enough to some family to go visit them for this festive dinner.
Since I learned how to make apple pies and did so successfully in Germany, I made one for the Newman Center Thanksgiving dinner because I wasn't going to be there (and would have been if I did not have family a couple hours away).
I took Shannon to the airport on Wednesday so that she could go home and surprise her family...only her sister knew. Then I hung out at her apartment watching movies (to de-stress a bit from school) and eventually made another apple pie to bring to dinner at the McMillan's in Tooele (two-el-uh).
It was the McMillan's (David, Heidi, Sam, Ellie, Ian, & Alastair), Aunt Pat & Uncle Ted (Heidi's parents), some friends (3), and myself. Ati (Alastair) made the cranberry sauce from real cranberries and he and I also made a delicious fruit salad. All of the food was scrumptious and we enjoyed it around the huge table from Africa.

I spent the night at the McMillans' to leave in the morning to head back to Logan with a pit-stop at Shannon's apartment to check on the cats.
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