Utah Sojourn

My life and experiences while I work towards my MS in Utah.

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Location: Gitting, Manyara, Tanzania

Just finished my MS in Watershed Science at Utah State University. Am now embarking on an adventure in Tanzania through the Peace Corps. After 2 months of training, I have just started teaching secondary Chemistry and Physics, which will be for 2 years.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Our GIS (Geographic Information Systems/Science) projects and portfolios were due today and I only handed it in 30 minutes late. I actually passed Matt, my advisor and the professor for the class, as he was headed out the door. Even though my project is really bad, at least it's done. Plus, Matt knows how much I have learned and how much I have been working on stuff for this project (the big one, not for the class). So I'm not too concerned about this grade because my other scores (tests, labs, and quizzes) are good...then again, the project and portfolio are worth 45% of my grade. As long as I get a B, I should be alright. I'm just so relieved to finally have this gosh darn project done. No more staring at the computer for endless hours accomplishing nothing. Thank goodness! Now just have to study for and do well on the Small Watershed Hydrology final Friday....


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