Ski the BeavI woke up to a phone call from Eric (the football player) today at about 9:10. We were supposed to leave from the NC at 9:00 to head up to Beaver Mountain for a day of skiing. I failed to properly set my alarm and accidentally slept in. We didn't end up leaving until almost 10 but were on the slopes before 11. It was a good day for skiing as the slopes weren't icy and the weather was beautiful (sunny and warm!). At one point, I made the mistake of following Eric to the side of the slope as he went on a small trail through the trees. The trail was rather harrowing as it weaved through trees down the hill and along a steep edge. It came out at part of a black diamond trail that has moguls (basically lots of little bumps). I had to go a short distance down the moguls to a catwalk (cross-wise trail) that eventually took me to another trail that I was able to take to the bottom. Needless to say, I learned not to follow Eric.

We got several runs in before we stopped for lunch and to meet Joe around 1. He wasn't at the rendezvous point at the appointed time but we ended finding him anyway and joined him for the rest of the day. I only fell twice all day (I think). Once was a faceplant after I went about 40 ft down the choppy slope knowing that I was going to fall. The other was at the top of the mountain...brilliant. Joe and Eric also had me go down a full black diamond. I went a little slow (I'm just a bit cautious) but was fine because it's the only black diamond there that doesn't have moguls. So I have already accomplished my goal of skiing a black diamond and I've only been 4 times...not bad. If we get a lot of powder, maybe I'll try moguls...
Skiing was great today and the slope closes at 4 - just enough time to drive home, shower, and get to mass before 6. After mass, we had delicious baked potatoes for our social. At some point in the evening, Eric, Joe, Eamonn, and I started playing Pictionary. Joe and Eric slaughtered Eamonn and I but it was a lot of fun anyway. Then we were up talking again...ended up in Eamonn's room (me and the guys...sensing a pattern in my life?). I was able to show all of them the pictures from home that mom sent me. It's amazing how much snow is at home. I also showed them some other pictures of family, etc. When I finally left, it was snowing and there was a few inches on everything. It was gorgeous! I was so incredibly happy that it had finally snowed...I have really been missing it.

My only regret is that I didn't go skiing after that snow storm!
hey amanda! i've been meaning to get a hold of you some how just to say what's up... cool that you went skiing - i was recently out to visit my brother in colorado and we did breckenridge and copper mountain. it was my third and fourth time skiing and i'm still a ways from handling any black runs, so way to go!! :o) you should send me your address or something so i can write to you! send it to if you get the chance! take care! --Kara--
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