Utah Sojourn

My life and experiences while I work towards my MS in Utah.

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Location: Gitting, Manyara, Tanzania

Just finished my MS in Watershed Science at Utah State University. Am now embarking on an adventure in Tanzania through the Peace Corps. After 2 months of training, I have just started teaching secondary Chemistry and Physics, which will be for 2 years.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

On Wednesdays, I have an hour in between Small Watershed Hydrology lecture and lab. As Andy and I have identical class schedules, we ate lunch outside the NR building and enjoyed the sun while talking. I found out some things about him like that he has actually traveled quite a bit and has been to the Hofbrauhaus in Munich so he could kind of relate when I talked about Shannon and my Oktoberfest experience compared to the real festival. He has also traveled to Central and South America so I have to interrogate him further some time on those travels (I'm insatiably curious). It was cool to be able to sit and talk for awhile (usually it's standing/walking and for less time). I think I could get used to doing this every week. I also think it'll be nice to do the same with Mollie and Christy sometime when all of us get together...which is inevitable as we all want to and enjoy a lot of the same activities. My fellow grad students are great.

Today I also had seminar which is a joint "class" between the different sections of the CNR (College of Natural Resources). In fact, Andy and I had to leave our Small Watershed Hydro lab early to make it on time since they overlap...some weeks we won't be able to make the seminar so it's a good thing we only need to be at 2/3. This first seminar was an introduction...literally. The professors stood up and introduced themselves then us grad students had to do the same (I was first as I was sitting up front).

Following the seminar is a social at a house just off campus that everyone is invited to go to. It entailed free dinner (sandwiches, chips, cookies) and a chance to meet others in the college so I was there. I met a couple of biggish profs (Chuck - a famous? ecologist; and Nancy Mesner - does some work with teachers and has lesson plans for Earth Systems Science classes). Moreover, I met some fellow grad students whose names I don't remember but Eamonn knows them so I can always ask him who they are. It was neat talking with them and funny how everyone does outdoor activities, especially during the winter. I mean, a lot of people here really look forward to winter and the coming of snow. It fascinates and warms me...ironic.


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