USU IdolTonight I went to the USU Idol contest that some sorority put on. My friends Jamie and Bemate performed with Jamie singing and Bemate playing the guitar. They are both in the choir for the Sunday evening mass and Jamie has an amazing voice. So a bunch of us Newman folk went out and supported two of our own. There were some great performers, including Jamie, and she made it into the final round. Unfortunately, she didn't end up winning (and getting a guitar) but we were proud of her nonetheless. Besides, I think that the guy who won wasn't really the best anyway and my faith in the voting community was rather low. Anyway, great job Jamie!
Utah Sojourn
My life and experiences while I work towards my MS in Utah.
About Me
- Name: Amanda
- Location: Gitting, Manyara, Tanzania
Just finished my MS in Watershed Science at Utah State University. Am now embarking on an adventure in Tanzania through the Peace Corps. After 2 months of training, I have just started teaching secondary Chemistry and Physics, which will be for 2 years.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Lenten Fish FryWe started the Lenten Fish Fry with the Knights of Columbus tonight. The KofC are letting us help them with the dinners and we get 25% of the profits to put towards our spring break trip. This sounds like a great thing except the Knights were not that well organized and prepared today and I doubt it will get any better as we help out on the other Fridays during Lent. Some of us Newmans were there at 3:30pm to start setting up because we had advertised that the dinner started at 4:30pm. No one told when it was supposed to start so we picked a time that seemes reasonable. Well, none of the Knights showed up until after 4pm and they had the food. Needless to say, we did not start on time...or at least the time we had picked to start at. Moreover, during the dinner, us students did a lot of the work while most of the Knights stood around drinking beer/wine and talking. Granted, there were a couple who manned the fryer and cooked up the fish and french fries, but we still did a lot of the work. Plus, who was left to clean up? That's right, a few of us students. Yeah, it kind of bites, but at least we don't have to worry about getting the supplies...although it might have been better if we were in charge of that too. Not only were the guys late, they didn't have any plates, utensils, napkins, cups, or tartar sauce (which is supposed to go with fish). So we used our Newman supplies (that are kept at the church for our pancake breakfasts) and general parish supplies. It makes me wonder if doing these dinners is almost more than it's worth. Then I remember the time that we put into other events that were essentially flops when it comes to raising us money for our trip. So at least we're making money on these dinners.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Ski the BeavI woke up to a phone call from Eric (the football player) today at about 9:10. We were supposed to leave from the NC at 9:00 to head up to Beaver Mountain for a day of skiing. I failed to properly set my alarm and accidentally slept in. We didn't end up leaving until almost 10 but were on the slopes before 11. It was a good day for skiing as the slopes weren't icy and the weather was beautiful (sunny and warm!). At one point, I made the mistake of following Eric to the side of the slope as he went on a small trail through the trees. The trail was rather harrowing as it weaved through trees down the hill and along a steep edge. It came out at part of a black diamond trail that has moguls (basically lots of little bumps). I had to go a short distance down the moguls to a catwalk (cross-wise trail) that eventually took me to another trail that I was able to take to the bottom. Needless to say, I learned not to follow Eric.

We got several runs in before we stopped for lunch and to meet Joe around 1. He wasn't at the rendezvous point at the appointed time but we ended finding him anyway and joined him for the rest of the day. I only fell twice all day (I think). Once was a faceplant after I went about 40 ft down the choppy slope knowing that I was going to fall. The other was at the top of the mountain...brilliant. Joe and Eric also had me go down a full black diamond. I went a little slow (I'm just a bit cautious) but was fine because it's the only black diamond there that doesn't have moguls. So I have already accomplished my goal of skiing a black diamond and I've only been 4 times...not bad. If we get a lot of powder, maybe I'll try moguls...
Skiing was great today and the slope closes at 4 - just enough time to drive home, shower, and get to mass before 6. After mass, we had delicious baked potatoes for our social. At some point in the evening, Eric, Joe, Eamonn, and I started playing Pictionary. Joe and Eric slaughtered Eamonn and I but it was a lot of fun anyway. Then we were up talking again...ended up in Eamonn's room (me and the guys...sensing a pattern in my life?). I was able to show all of them the pictures from home that mom sent me. It's amazing how much snow is at home. I also showed them some other pictures of family, etc. When I finally left, it was snowing and there was a few inches on everything. It was gorgeous! I was so incredibly happy that it had finally snowed...I have really been missing it.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
BowlingSaturday night, a bunch of us Newman folk went bowling. There were 7 of us altogether: Patti, Joe, Jake, Misty (Jake's friend), Eamonn, Aldo, and myself. We played 2 games while snacking on some tater tots (which I do not consider junk food for purposes of the Wellness Challenge...they're breakfast food).

Friday, February 16, 2007
I miss snowFor those of you who have been completely out of the news loop, my hometown has been getting sacked with a ton of snow lately. Starting on Super Bowl Sunday (04 February), Oswego County basically had a week of heavy lake-effect snow (didn't end till Sunday, 11 February). I followed the local news coverage like a teenage girl follows the latest "hot" celebrity guy. The local news even broadcast out of the center of my village on Thursday morning a couple times. The area was covered on the national and international news too. The Weather Channel sent a top meteorologist from Miami to Syracuse before the SuperBowl so that he could cover the storm instead. On Wednesday morning, Good Morning America had their meteorologist in Mexico (NY) and apparently a German news crew was around. Even NPR covered it for several days as I would hear the reports as I lay mostly still asleep in bed in the mornings. One of the local NPR guys spoke to a national announcer from Oswego and a lady in (I think) Parish was called and interviewed. It was cool being able to watch local stuff several days in a row on the AP video page.
Storm totals were incredible: 70" in Central Square, highest: N. Redfield 141"- almost 12 feet! Check out News Channel 9 or The Post-Standard for some cool pictures and news coverage.
Then the Nor-Easter came but didn't leave too much snow in the areas hardest hit by the lake-effect event. Yet it did bring the winds that are now producing more lake-effect snow back home.
I talked with my mom tonight and she said that it's nasty driving out. They received about a foot and a half of snow since last night (14 February). I'm hoping she sends some pictures soon of all the snow.
As you can well imagine, I am very jealous. Not only do I seem to miss all the cool events (train derailing, 2003 storm, etc.), we have had virtually no snow all winter. There is a bit up the canyon but it's clear on the other side and is not great snow for skiing or snowshoeing. I haven't been downhill skiing in about a month, so what good is my pass? The slopes are a bit icy and the snow rather scant in places. There are saplings that are sticking up through the snow in spots that should be buried under a few feet of snow. Unlike back east, they don't make snow out here, it's all natural. So as home digs out from the snow, I must walk through the liquid form.
"Parent's Night Out"Being Valentine's Day (and Sts. Cyril and Methodius), we thought today would be a good night to have a fundraiser that involves watching kids for a few hours so parent's can be free. We had some great things planned like a craft, ping-pong, DDR, a movie, books, healthy snacks, etc. Alas, we only had 3 kids come (one of my students!). Although we broke even on costs, it was a disappointment that we didn't get more kids. We'd love to try it again on a weekend night but we don't know if we have time before spring break. At least I did get to see Joe's pictures from fall break (Grand Canyon and Zion)...definitely some corny ones of me. Father JJ also taught a few of us how to play Hearts (it's a card game). I did better than the two Joe's but I think it's kind of boring. And I wrestled a bit w/ Eric (the football player) and refuse to admit that I "lost". Sure, he had me pinned but I hadn't given up yet. It was called due to interference by Eamonn (who tried giving Eric a wedgie) and Joe R. who pulled Eamonn off Eric then Eric off me. We are so mature.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Inter-Newman RetreatTonight 9 of us USU Newman folk headed down to Mount Benedict Monastery to meet with other Newmans. We got there late so we missed the prayer and introductions but we made it just in time for dinner. Of course when we got there, I park, get out of the car, get some things from the back, and try to figure out if I have everything. It occurs to me that I don't have my car keys, immediately followed by the realization that I'd left the car on. So I parked and completely forgot to turn the car least I remembered to put it in park. Now I've been sick for a few days and felt pretty crappy, but still. I decided right then that I was definitely not driving home and went it to tell Eamonn that he was going to drive my car back.
During dinner I ended up being surrounded by USU Newmans (I was too sick to make the effort to move). However, I did get to know Patty who has not been really involved in Newman. After dinner we had a talk about building healthy, long-lasting relationships. The couple who talked was from Logan and very good. They brought up some good points in their talk and their answers to questions that were posed. I found it very good. Then we all played some games for a bit. Of course, I joined the Apples to Apples crew and had fun despite not doing very well. To round out the evening, we had a mass. Despite being sick and haivng to cough a good deal, I read the intercessions because Eamonn had volunteered me (big surprise). I hadn't really read all of the prayers beforehand and nigh on laughed when I got to one about taking care of the sick. Eventually we left the sisters and headed home. We tried to stop at a Super Target but it closed at 10pm for some reason...just like Utah. Eamonn drove well and we made it home safe...I quite enjoyed being able to look out the window and moonroof in Sardine Canyon and not have to worry about driving. Oh yeah, so meeting some other Newman people was nice and doing something away from Logan, the NC, and the church was really good for us.
Monday, February 05, 2007
So yeah...I'll let Eamonn's words from the e-mail today explain:
And Finally Some Sad News.
We were going to wait until the Newman Club meeting
next week to announce this but thought we should just
go ahead. Jamie Lee has requested to step down as one
of the NC coordinators. This has been discussed with
Fr. JJ and Amanda has been asked and has agreed to
fill the second half of the coordinator position.
So much for not getting too involved...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Full Moon SnowshoeingI love doing things outside when the moon is shining bright. When I came to visit USU last April, I went on a full moon hike. Since then, I have wanted to something similar again. Shannon, Brandon (her boyfriend), and I tried snowshoeing on 03 January during the full moon but there was insufficient snow to really need the snowshoes or go very far. So I had been looking forward to 02 February - the next full moon.
Newman Club tries to organize at least one activity every Friday night so I decided that I would head up a full moon snowshoe hike. Eamonn and I have tried arranging 3 separate snowshoe hikes during the day and have only had two other people come on two different occasions. Needless to say, we were not holding our breath that we would get a good turn out and were hoping for at least one other person besides ourselves. We even tried spreading the word to our CNR friends (College of Natural Resources).
There ended up being 5 of us that went and we would have had 6 if my friend Amy was feeling well. I think I may have somehow talked Joe and Jake into going by saying how great it is and that it isn't really that hard. In addition to Joe and Jake, Sarah and Eamonn rounded out our group. Only Eamonn and I had been snowshoeing before and it was during daylight, so it was a new experience for everyone.
We drove to where Eamonn and I had snowshoed before as I thought that it would be a good place for beginners as well as provide a good view. It was chilly in Logan when we left but it was downright frigid at Sunrise Campground where we parked.

This time I wore the older pair of snowshoes that Andy has (he's my labmate). Apparently they belonged to a doctor friend of his dad's in Spokane (WA) who did a lot of mountaineering. Awhile back (~10 yrs), the guy was kidnapped in Kashmir (area between Pakistan and India) with a group of people while they were out mountaineering. The fates of only a few of the guys in the group are known - they are dead. One guys head was mailed to his family in Belgium or something. So when Andy told me this story and shortly thereafter mentioned how I can carry on the tradition, it is no surprise that I joked that I would get abducted when I wear them. Luckily I didn't...maybe they are good luck because the guy didn't have them when kidnapped so they are still around.
Anyway, the snow was rather hard and crusty as there was no recent snowfall to provide some powder. Eamonn lead the way and I was sweep to ensure that everyone was okay and together (still a guide at heart...Outing Club and Snapper taught me a lot). Although we had headlamps, we didn't need them once we had our snowshoes on because the moon lit up the landscape so well.

After snowshoeing, we enjoyed the warmth of my car and homemade hot chocolate. We dropped Sarah off at the NC then Jake, Joe, Eamonn, and myself went to Beto's for some late-night Mexican food. We were there a long time just talking. I didn't realize till later that it was the same group as the College Bowl...and we do have some good discussions due to our interesting chemistry. It was a great night and I highly recommend getting outside when there is a full moon!