Utah Sojourn

My life and experiences while I work towards my MS in Utah.

My Photo
Location: Gitting, Manyara, Tanzania

Just finished my MS in Watershed Science at Utah State University. Am now embarking on an adventure in Tanzania through the Peace Corps. After 2 months of training, I have just started teaching secondary Chemistry and Physics, which will be for 2 years.

Monday, August 28, 2006

As I walked to "Moonlight and Music" (live, acoustic music at the Old Main Hill Amphitheater), I noticed that there were quite a few people out doing activities like playing tennis and working out even though it was nearly 9pm. Granted, it is a beautiful night, but it's refreshing to see people out doing things.

The music was pretty good and although I wouldn't say exceptional, I did enjoy it very much. I had a bit of an odd experience though. Two guys at seperate times introduced themselves to me. The first came and sat next to me then left about 5 mintues later when his friends did. The other had been sitting in front of me to the right. Some time after the other guy left, he turned around, introduced himself, and offered for me to sit next to him. I had been planning on leaving within the next 15 minutes give or take so I declined and left after the song was done. Basically, it was weird. I'm not used to guys doing that, especially two in one night. Despite the slight freakiness of it, I learned something from it. A girl alone at an event will likely attract attention from guys because they are not as intimidated or they feel sorry that she is alone. (The same can be true if you switch guys and girls.) In other words, it's easier to be picked up when alone (or possibly with one other friend). I think that it would also hold that it is easier to pick someone else when in a group. Just my thoughts on the matter...wonder what others think....

Classes officially started today! I'm psyched that things are finally getting going...though my first day could have been better. My MWF class had been moved to the library according to the posting in the Natural Resources building (my main bldg for the dept/college) so I got to the room it specified and waited until 11:3o when class was supposed to start. No one showed up so I figured I would check out the Engineering building since that's where it originally was supposed to be...couldn't find my class. So I go to the NR building and ask the lady at the desk where the class was. Turns out the location had been changed again but not posted. I headed back to the Engineering building but the door was locked to the room number I was given. To cover all my bases, I asked a girl if I was in the Engineering building, as in ENGR. I wasn't in the right building because we have 3 or 4 Engineering buildings; the one I hadn't seen and didn't know existed was where I had to go. Basically I ended up 20 minutes late for class, which ended early so I was only there about 5 minutes. Luckily the professor understands and I didn't really miss anything.

Although class was kind of a bust today, I did get out before noon. That allowed me to get over to the student center area for free Aggie ice cream. :-P (it started at noon) This time I had a mint ice cream with what seemed like small bits of cookie (Oreo kind) and white chocolate flakes. Though I am pretty sure I had this kind back in April, it was the line I was in and it tastes good.
After doing a couple of other things, I figured I might as well donate blood today (as opposed to another day this week) since I was around and free. I'll be receiving a Utah blood donor card in the mail 0:-).

I finally was able to catch my advisor in his office (I've been trying for a few days). He got me squared away on a couple things and I'll find out everything else tomorrow during our meeting with all of the new grad students. He also said that computers were ordered for all of us and he is anticipating their arrival. It means that I'll have a computer at my workstation on campus that is up-to-date and I don't have to lug my lap-top around. A new computer...not having to pay tuition (only paying student fees)...getting $1,795.58 back because I did pay some tuition...I think I made out pretty well. :-)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Red Badge of Courage

Today was a great day. I met the McMillans for brunch at Alta Lodge in Little Cottonwood Canyon in the early afternoon (it's SE of Salt Lake and 2 hours for me to drive). We had a huge brunch buffet that even included creme brulee! The McMillans and the Bakers (friends of my cousins') had biked down to the lodge as they were able to get there before me. However, they decided to go further down so I joined them mountain biking. I've never really gone mountain biking before so I was psyched...with a healthy dose of scared. A guy at the lodge gave us directions for an "easy" trip and we set off. We ended up working our way up a gravel road that was steep and not what any of us classify as easy. Apparently we took a wrong turn or failed to make a turn somewhere because we were not on the bike trail the guy had talked about. Nonetheless, everyone made it up the mountain including the younger guys (2 are about 10 years old). Of course we had to walk our bikes a ways but we still got there. Since we were on a ski mountain, we took a gravel road down that runs where a ski trail is during the winter. It was rather steep in parts and very gravelly. I'm quite happy with only falling once and not getting too scraped up. The cool part is that it's so dry and dusty here that the blood clots faster and, I think, better (don't worry, there was only a little). Ati also fell and Heidi (his mom) fell trying not to hit him because her shoe was stuck in the bike and she couldn't stop. Luckily no one got very hurt and we had a successful ride. Although it's a bit harrowing flying down a gravel road and manuevering the curves like we did, I had a lot of fun. Definitely need to check out the trails around here as I know Logan Canyon has some.

On the way home I stopped for gas and to check my bike. Since I was near Layton, I decided to call my friend (who had flown out Thursday to move there) to see how she was. We talked for awhile and caught up as much as we could. Even though we won't be able to spend a lot of time together, it'll be fun when we can. Look out Utah State Fair! hehehehe....

After cleaning up a little when I got home, I headed over to the Newman social that was after the mass, which I missed because I wasn't back yet (went Saturday anyway). It was nice to get to know a few people and generally be in a social atmosphere again...since I've been a bit of an introverted recluse this past week (not all the time but overall at least). I even met a guy who is working on his MS in the same college as I am (Natural Resources) and he said that there are a few more people that are in it as well. Now I love all my friends who aren't science majors but it is nice to have other science people around. Can't wait to meet others in my department too...maybe find some hiking/biking/skiing friends....:-)

Friday, August 25, 2006

Why classes need to start:


I received official word today that I have been awarded my BS from SUNY Oneonta! :-D Despite the problems I encountered this summer with getting it, everything ended up working out. I am elated that it is finally done...it's quite freeing and I imagine that the feeling will return when I receive that actual diploma in a few months.
Also accomplished today:
  • registering for 2nd class (I'm only taking 2! :-0)
  • meeting Brian Bailey who will be infinitely helpful b/c if he doesn't know, he knows the person who does
  • having Oneonta send a letter to USU stating that I completed my BS
  • mailing out transcript requests
  • mailing out a couple postcards
  • finishing hanging up posters in my room...basically I have a soccer corner, movie corner, and Tübingen wall/closet doors
  • finish putting clothes away from being packed
  • mysteriously breaking my printer...I didn't do anything specific but it refuses to eat the paper
  • figured out that I only have to pay student fees...no tuition! :-D
  • bought my sister a couple Quick Study guides for Organic Chemistry and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles for myself

It's been a good day.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I now, finally, am connected to the internet in my apartment. It took me awhile to figure out why the internet wasn't working when the computer indicated that the 1394 and Local Area Connection were connected. Alas, I still had proxy settings, etc. from Germany...probably why I couldn't get it to work at Newman either.

Now I can check my e-mail, chat on AIM, and update my blog! :-) I just have to make sure that I don't waste countless hours surfing the net or compulsively checking away messages. However, feel free to IM me, especially if my away message doesn't indicate that I'm actually doing something. Yay for the internet!

Monday, August 21, 2006


I decided to go to noon mass today as it is only a few blocks away at the church connected to the Newman Center. Just before leaving, I read the bulletin from yesterday's mass and saw that a group of people were cleaning the Newman Center today. I ran into the ladies doing the cleaning and asked if they needed/wanted some more help. Of course they didn't refuse the offer. After mass I swept a little then they invited me to join them for lunch downstairs, even though I had barely contributed. Now this was no ordinary lunch. The guy cooking, Joe, apparently really likes to cook (reminds me of Beth). He made spatzle, a Swabian (where I studied in Germany) pasta from scratch, pesto, seasoned tomatoes (to put on the spatzle), sausages, tomatoes on mozzarella, garlic bread and a couple other things. I ate lunch with the 5 or so women and two (?) of their families (kids). After lunch I did earn my lunch by cleaning some more so don't worry. ;-) I also found out that there is a Sunday evening mass during the school year followed by a social/reception thingy...I'm thinking something similar to Oneonta. Although I don't want to be too involved with Newman here (unlike in Oneonta), it will be nice to be a part of such a group again. I wonder how it'll compare to Oneonta....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Today my mom and I visited some family outside of Salt Lake City. It seems that even when I'm in a different state or country, I have family (blood or not) nearby. My mom's cousin Heidi, her husband David, and their kids moved out to Stansbury Park/Tooele, Utah a year ago. Plus, my great Aunt Pat and Uncle Ted (Heidi's parent's) moved out there this spring. It took us about 1:50 to get there and it was a pity that we couldn't stay longer. However, during the time we had, we caught up on family news stuff, drove up a canyon and mountain to where we could see the Bigham Copper Mine (largest in the world!), and enjoyed eachothers company. I also go to hold Duma (Swahili for leopard), a 6 week-old kitten they had just found on Friday. He even dozed on my lap for awhile...too bad I can't have any pets in my apartment. I'll just have to go visit the McMillans who have (now) 3 cats and 2 dogs. :-)

There are 4 McMillan kids: Sam (antha) - senior, Ellie - Sophomore, Ian - 7th grade(?), and Ati (Alastair) - 5th grade(?). Ati asked me questions non-stop and talked a lot...mom said he could give Wes a run for his money when it comes to talking a lot...lol. Ian gave me a tour of the house as his younger brother's tour consisted of sitting in a chair and pointing in the general direction as he announced the different areas. Sam talked a little about college as she is currently trying to figure out where to go...I believe her list is down to 14 schools. She is looking to run for a college and has been scouted by a few schools (I don't know how many or which ones but she is a very good runner...just like both of her parents who ran in college). Unfortunately, Ellie was not having a good day and Ati tended to provoke her so I did not get to spend much time with her...guess there's always next time.

I would be amiss if I did not mention the McMillan house that was recently finished. Basically, I could not have designed a more functional, beautiful, and relaxing house...definitely need to get the name of the architect. The house is relatively open between the kitchen, living room, dining room, and entry way. On the main floor are the previous areas as well as a laundry room with lockers for everyone, David's office (w/ bathroom), the boys' bedrooms w/ a bathroom in between, the parents' room w/ a large bathroom, and a library w/ the computer (an alcove off the hall). Upstairs is an open loft above the office and from which you can look down into the living room and dining room. There isn't more of an upstairs because, just like in the South, it gets too hot and heat rises. Downstairs was a large workout/TV/video game room (below the kitchen & living room), the guest room (where Aunt Pat and Uncle Ted are living till their house is built), and the girls' room w/ a bathroom inbetween. A climbing wall outside is in the works. I'm not sure if the house is a timber frame but there is a lot of wood and the kids' rooms are very colorfully painted according to their tastes. In addition to the wood, there are a plethora of windows to take advantage of the heating of the sun. A solar panel "sunflower" tracks the sun (using the excitation of argon) to provide some of the power. Other power comes from something else and I will have to amend this later when I remember or am told what it is. The water is also heated naturally if I am not mistaken. The kitchen table is huge (9ft I think), has a free bench on one side and a bench built into the wall on the other side, and was shipped from Africa (David is from South Africa...has the cool accent too). The kitchen also has 2 sinks and 2 ovens...1 big and 1 small for each. There's a warming rack too where you can put a plate (or more) for someone if they are going to be late and they can have a warm meal when they get there. Oh yeah, and they definitely have a kickin intercom that can play a CD or the radio. This house is amazing.

So before we left, I jumped on the trampoline with the boys...or more correctly off a ladder onto the trampoline. We had fun and didn't get hurt...I was too chicken to do anything bold though as I'm not very experienced on trampolines and it'd been awhile since I'd been on one. I also saw how the boys had adapted to the environment: Ati started throwing "dust bombs" at us that Ian and I tried to avoid being hit with. It's so dry that the dirt had solidified into dirt clumps just like you will occasionally find on top of a topsoil pile during a hot, dry summer day. The ground was also hard but smooth so it was fun running around barefoot through the sunflowers (which somehow thrive).

Then we said our good-byes, I was invited to come anytime that I want including meeting them for mountain biking next Sunday at Alta, and I dropped my mom off at the airport before driving "home" to Logan. Family is great.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Moving In
I called the housing office this morning and they said I could move in today! I just have to pay $10 for the extra night...which is much less expensive than the motel. When I went to do the room check, my roommate was sleeping so I was as quiet as I could be. I finally knocked on her door so that she would wake up and not be more scared if she had woken up on her own to find us there. She just said to close her door and she went back to sleep. Turns out the room is furnished unlike what I had been told by someone one the phone form the housing office...I'm thinking they meant unfurnished as in no sheet or towels.
So mom and I moved my stuff into my new apartment and I put a few things away. Then we went shopping to get some things I need. There's actually quite a selection of stores in Logan so I shouldn't have any trouble finding stuff when I need/want it. In addition to Wal-Mart, there's Kohl's, JCPenney, K-Mart, Sports Authority, Al's Sporting Goods, Barnes and Noble, Petsmart, etc. There's a couple supermarkets/grocery stores as well (Smith's and Albertson's). Not to mention all of the fast food places, restaurants, car places, etc., etc. Basically, Logan is bigger than Oneonta but not too big like Syracuse. We also figured out today that we accidentally burned my bike tire. My bike was mounted on the back of the Subaru and the front tire must have been too low and too close to the exhaust. So the tire melted/burned through to the tube. At least we figured out that it really wasn't the brakes that smelled on the trip, it was the bike tire. I knew that the brakes didn't smell but couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from. Mystery solved.
My roommate is Jennifer from Brigham City (about a half hour west on the other side of some mountains). She is working on her 2nd bachelor's in Special Ed as her first was in Music but that's not what she really wants to do. I figured out that she's about my brother's age - 26 or 27. She belongs to the LDS Church (Mormon) and went on a mission to Spain (which generally last a total of 2 years w/ training and the actual mission). In approximately another 1.5 years, she'll have her 2nd degree (which amounts to 2 bachelor's in 7.5 or 8 years I think she said...5 years for first BS). She's pretty nice and seems clean so even though I don't think we have that much in common, we'll get along fine. I'm just glad she's not conceited or super-religious (so far). Perhaps I'll give an update when I know her better.
Ahh...it's nice to finally be able to move in and start to get settled.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


We drove out of Logan Canyon to arrive in Logan (city) about 19:00 (7pm) MDT this evening. I'm glad that I took the scenic route as driving through the moutains was beautiful as was Bear Lake. Logan Canyon made me think of Bierstadt's paintings. Although he painted quite a bit in Yosemite, the rock features were similar and the light just right to capture the same feeling that his paintings give...Thomas Cole is also similar. When I came out during spring break to visit the campus, I joined the Outdoor Recreation Center sponsored full moon hike. Both during the day and the night, the mountains are gorgeous. I need to get a tripod so that I try capturing the landscape bathed in moonlight as it is unforgettable. For now, I'll have to get back out there to try to capture daylight/sunset shots. Hopefully I'll succeed.

The canyon is for more than just looking at. There are hiking trails, biking trails, and places to cross country ski. Which is great because I have hiking boots, a mountain bike, and my X-C skis. :-)

So we're staying at the Motel 8 and I'll try calling tomorrow to see if they will let me move in a day early. Otherwise we'll have to drive around with the car stuffed full still as we peruse the local stores for items that I need to purchase. I made to Utah without any big fights with mom and only have to last a few more days...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tourist Day
Today was our day to do a couple touristy things. Since getting to Logan before Thursday would not be advantageous and we had missed seeing Mount Rushmore on our trip across the country in '96 (aka it was dark and the lights had been turned off 30 minutes before we got there), we decided (aka mom authorized) to take a slight detour on our trip. Just before we got to Nebraska last night, we left I-80 and headed north to Sioux City. The next day, we drove to Sioux Falls where we headed west on I-90 across South Dakota. The kind (perhaps overly enthusiastic) older woman at the tourist welcome center informed me that every hour along the route (I-90), there is a good place to stop. So if you have a lot of time and are driving through South Dakota, call me and I can tell you where to stop. Like the corn palace - a place, you guessed it, built out of corn. According to the pictures, this is no corn maze but an actual structure. And right across the street is a fascinating doll museum. Further along the route you should stop at the infamous Wall Drug - a huge pharmacy/water stop (tourist trap really). I'm sure there is more and perhaps they are worth stopping at...if only to pick up a bottle of soda as you may need the caffeine to focus because the relatively bland landscape doesn't help.

So we finally made it to Mount Rushmore National Memorial . The monument itself is carved in extremely resistant granite that basically erodes like a few millimeters in my lifetime. It's pretty impressive to see and it's too bad that the full statue wasn't carved. The presidents are supposed to be carved to their waists and there is a statue that the artist had made as a model that depicts the presidents as such. In fact, the model was used to make measurements of the dimensions of the presidents' features which were multiplied by 10 (I think) and transferred to the actual rock for blasting purposes. It's amazing to think that no one died helping to build the monument even though hundreds of men would sit in essentially metal swings with jackhammers and blast away at the rock. Hopefully the Crazy Horse monument will be blessed with the same fate. I thought it was cool that the workers used little instruments to melt the rock surface to make the presidents' so smooth. Pictures will be forthcoming when I develop my film and scan the pictures in. As I returned my dad's digital camera to him, I do not have a means to take digital pictures. So you will have to suffer until I develop film or others send me digital pictures. Perhaps that should be my next purchase when I can save up some money...

There was insufficient time after Mount Rushmore to make a cave tour at Jewel Cave so we headed to Wyoming and Devil's Tower National Monument (and I learned to change gears while driving in the mountains on the way back from Rushmore). Since Dr. Palmer does work in Jewel, I'll just have to see when he'll be there again and see if I can tag along. We got to Devil's Tower a couple minutes before 19:00 MDT (7pm), paid the $10 fee, then were told by the ranger that the visitor center closes at 7pm but we could still walk around and take pictures. So we paid the fee but still didn't get our stamps for our national parks passport books...almost makes me wish we had gone to the store for a couple minutes so we wouldn't have had to pay the $10 but I know that the Parks Service desperately needs the money.

On the way up, a car was stopped in front of us and the girl pointed out the window to a couple of fawns not far below us in the woods. Of course, I switched lenses and my mom tried to take a picture...not sure if it will come out because mom isn't great with my camera but I was driving and on the other side of the car so it was better for her to try. I got my chance though when just up the road there was a doe grazing...I slowed down, took the camera, and attempted a picture despite the zoom being so great it was difficult to get a good one.

I took a few pictures of Devil's Tower, mom had a guy who actually knew how to use my camera take a picture of us in front of it, and we walked around the monument. Along the way we ran into a father and daughter pair with whom we exchanged a few words, mostly about the structure. As we were finishing up the trail, we talked with them some more and found out that they are from NY (as in the city). Then my mom ends up talking with a guy in the toursity type store just outside the park and he and the woman he was with are also from New York (somewhere....I remember the woman had attended Cortland). So really the only people we talked to were from New York...funny how that happens...it's like we speak a foreign language and can only communicate with each other or something.We made it to Gillette that night and happened to arrive at a hotel where a high school golf team was just checking in. Considering the lack of golf courses and population I had seen, I was impressed that there was a golf team.

Monday, August 14, 2006

On the Road Again...
I am leaving today for Utah with my car stuffed full. My mom is driving out with me and she'll fly home on Sunday. It should take us a few days to get out there so we probably will get in on Thursday. I will be starting classes on 28 August towards my MS in Watershed Science at Utah State University in Logan. My contact info for Utah is as follows:

07 USU Aggie Village APT J
Logan, UT 84341-2647

Phone: 435-797-6307

I still have my cell phone too so you can reach me that way (315-559-2690).

Well I need to get going so I can finish a few things before hitting the road. Hopefully my mom and I won't kill each other on the way there...like Wes said, I did it to myself. At least Shannon will be moving out to Ogden on 24 August. She and I became good friends in high school. So I'll have a good friend only an hour away and family (my mom's cousin and her family plus my great aunt and uncle) only an hour and a half away. Not to mention MLS and NBA games that far. Go Real Salt Lake!

Tschuß! Tally ho!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Greetings to my newest blog. I will post here about my activities while I work on my Masters. As with the other blog, entries that I enter after the date that they actually occurred on will have the time 11:59 PM (like this one). That way I can satisfy my incessant need for chronological order and am less likely to confuse you, the reader...I can be confusing enough as it is. Also, my method of putting picture descriptions in italics will continue when I have pictures to post. So enjoy the blog as you attempt to stay up-to-date on my life. Feel free to leave comments or tell me what you think. I am definitely open to constructive criticism too, so don't be afraid to tell me when I've made a mistake, no matter how small.

And so it begins....